Cranky Weekly Review Presented by OAK: JetBlue Traverses the Country, Gol and Azul May Buddy Up

Cranky Weekly Review

JetBlue Digs Deeper and Shorter Into Leisure This Summer

Remember that weird time during the pandemic when every airline thought Traverse City was an untapped goldmine? Well, JetBlue just realized there might have been some truth in that. The airline rolled out is new planned summer flights this week with a big focus on smaller leisure destinations from the Northeast, including Traverse City itself.

Alongside 3x weekly to that city which makes Green Bay seem tropical, three other new dots will land on the route map with 1x daily summer seasonal service from Boston: Halifax, Norfolk, and Wilmington (NC). Boston will also score a long-desired 1x daily flight to Islip for the summer. This will finally put an end to all those people just rowing across Long Island Sound.

Another new city in the network is San Pedro Sula which will get 1x daily year-round from JFK. Other than that, it’s mostly a retro look from JFK with the return of service to Burbank, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Washington/National along with Newark to LA and Santo Domingo. All the JFK routes are year-round except Burbank. Am I missing something? Oh right, just the biggest news of all… there will now be — wait for it — 1x daily flight from JFK to both Hartford and Providence.

Most of these flights are ho-hum, but the new Boston – Islip and JFK – Hartford/Providence flights give us hope that eventually JetBlue will start Westchester – LaGuardia, Hartford – New Haven, and Providence – Boston to really give Amtrak some serious competition.

Gol Takes a Step Toward Its Goal to Merge With Azul

Abra Group — majority owner of Brazil’s Gol Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes — has opened its arms wide and embraced competitor Azul with a non-binding memorandum of understanding to merge the two airlines, apparently surprising Gol in the process. This means that absolutely nothing is guaranteed to actually happen, but at least two-thirds of this throuple really want it to work out.

There are only a few small, teeny hurdles. As outlined in the press release, the airlines need to agree on economic terms, complete due diligence, enter into definitive agreements, obtain corporate and regulatory approvals, satisfy closing conditions, consummate Gol’s Chapter 11 plan of reorganization, and determine what to do with all those old Varig 737-200s and DC-10s that are believed but not confirmed to still be flying under Gol’s brand in the jungles of northeast Brazil.

The merger would create the largest airline in Brazil, vaulting ahead of current number one LATAM. Reportedly, the initial plans to merge the two airlines under a resurrected Avianca Brasil were shot down when Christ the Redeemer said there would be no resurrection under his watch.

Southwest Gets Sued for Delays, Frontier Gets Fined

The federal government appears to be getting a steep discount on court fees as it has once again decided to sue an airline. This time, Southwest is feeling the Department’s wrath for chronic delays on two routes that operated (very poorly) between April and August 2022.

The flights in question were between Chicago and Oakland as well as Baltimore and Cleveland. They were disrupted a combined 180 times in that short span. When asked for comment, Southwest said “we were just as surprised about this lawsuit as our passengers on those flights in 2022 who explicitly asked us to not make them actually go to Oakland or Cleveland until absolutely necessary.”

DOT is asking for the maximum possible penalty, which could be over $2 million if the court rules in its favor. DOT also planned to sue Frontier for chronically delayed flights, but it decided to speak the airline’s love language and instead just charged it a fee of $650,000. Frontier only has to pay half of it now, and the rest would be forgiven in the completely magical unicorn fantasty of a scenario where Frontier has no other chronically delayed flights in the next three years.

Condor Gets Some EC Help

The European Commission has given Condor hope that its dying deal to get feed from Lufthansa may be given a second life. The EC has said it will order the airlines to continue to cooperate under the terms agreed upon in June 2024.

This all stems from the EC’s sniffing around the so-called A++ joint venture between United, Air Canada, and most Lufthansa Group airlines over the Atlantic. As the story goes, the EC has found that A++ is anti-competitive on the New York – Frankfurt route, and the elimination of this special prorate agreement between Condor and Lufthansa might cause Condor to exit that market. So, the EC wants to stop that.

Apparently, Delta and Singapore, each offering up to 1x daily service on the route, are chopped liver. It’s really that Condor flight that keeps the whole thing from collapsing into a black hole of doom.

ITA Officially Joins Lufthansa Group

There’s no turning back now. ITA — the airline formerly and always in our hearts known as Alitalia — is now officially part of Lufthansa Group after the deal to buy 41 percent of the airline closed. A new Board of Directors and CEO have been set up to fail sworn in to help fix the airline.

LHG went with Jörg Eberhart as new CEO due to his traditional Italian name. He ran Verona-based Air Dolomiti for LHG from 2014 to 2021 before moving back to the mothership to be Head of Strategy for LHG. Jörg clearly used that time to devise a strategy to acquire an Italian airline so he could go back to Italy and live out his days drinking grappa at lunch instead of having to live any longer in Frankfurt.

ITA employees celebrated the news by instantly going on strike. Or maybe it was just a long lunch. We can never be sure.

  • Air France-KLM made some “enhancements” to FlyingBlue
  • Air Serbia and China Southern are finally launching the partnership we’ve all dreamed about
  • Air Wisconsin is no Eagle, but it’ll keep flying anyway
  • Akasa Air has a lot of employees and not a lot of airplanes
  • Alaska is giving Oregon three more things to love (two if it’s not possible to love a flight to Houston)
  • American thinks if it babbles on about AI, it’ll sound cool
  • Arkia is sick of El Al being the only Israeli airline to fly to the US
  • Delta wants a little more Walmart at the airline
  • FAA found a new reason for flight disruptions: spaceship explosion
  • ITA is heading back to Tripoli, but only twice a week
  • Korean is probably keeping those A380s around longer
  • LEVEL is supersizing the New York market
  • Mokulele thinks actually flying airplanes is optional despite being the only real lifeline to the outside world for Molokai and Lānaʻi
  • Porter will sell and lease back anything it can
  • Riyadh Air is delaying its launch until 2027. Thanks, Boeing.
  • Southwest says Denver and Nashville will follow Baltimore as international gateways, but not San Antonio where it just wants to sue over gates
  • SriLankan has a plan to get it to the end of the decade
  • United has a new corporate contract with the Roadrunner… meep meep

I had to get rid of my spine, it was holding me back.

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18 comments on “Cranky Weekly Review Presented by OAK: JetBlue Traverses the Country, Gol and Azul May Buddy Up

  1. I literally laughed out loud reading the piece on ITA and Lufthansa, especially the part of the CEO’s Italian name! Very funny

  2. Has there been any explanation for why Southwest was sued but Frontier and JetBlue were fined?

      1. I’ve seen it in other news sources too that WN is being sued while the others are being fined.

        Seems like being fined would be preferred over going through a lawsuit, but not sure why WN has a separate, harsher, punishment than the others.

        1. Disregard. I see the explanation below. Would be interesting to see why WN wouldn’t settle when the others did.

  3. I’m happy to see that Jet Blue will be serving TVC as I have family in that area……the only problem is having to fly all the way to the east coast and having to backtrack (which I have commented on before). Jet Blue has been around for a quarter century and I’m still waiting for that mid-continent hub.

    1. Yes.

      I assume they are special introductory fares, but I was very surprised to see B6’s roundtrip fares in the $132 range for trips around the July 4th holiday weekend. Fares to TVC and other northern Michigan destinations around summer holidays are typically NOT cheap, often in the $400-500+ roundtrip range, and the alternatives are to fly into DTW (or LAN, or GRR), rent a car, and drive 3-5 hours. TVC car rentals are also pricey; guess they have to make their money while they can during the relatively short peak season.

      I love Northern Michigan, but (like many summer vacation spots in other parts of the country, such as Maine and parts of ID/MT/UT/etc), it’s $$$$ to get there if you aren’t a local who lives within driving distance. Very different from FL, AZ, or Southern California where there’s so much demand that there are plenty of flights (often at reasonable prices, outside of a few peak vacation weeks each year) from many parts of the continental US.

  4. JetBlue is going full Spirit with their new routes. At least they can claim the dailies from JFK to BDL and PVD might be for feed (can anyone check timing to verify it disprove this)?.

    But BOS to Islip? A station at ORF just for once daily SEASONAL flights to BOS? One winner is DCA-JFK hoping that I might get some cheap mint seats across the pond someday.

    1. BOS-ISP has mininal risk to the airline. Unlike B6’s decision to run LAX-NAS, this route will burn minimal fuel and take 30 minutes to fly. The plane is going to spend more time taxing than flying. I wouldnt have flown the route, but there are worse choices ro make, especially if B6 wants to use feed traffic from LI for BOS routes.

      1. Fair enough. But LAX to NAS was the worst route decision I’ve seen in years.

  5. Brett: SWA’s exposure for civil penalties is actually 3 times the figure you quoted, because DOT alleges in the suit that 3 separate rules were violated for each flight in question. Thus: 58 flights x 3 = 174 x 37,377 = $6,503,598 exposure. By the way, the inclusion of Buttigieg (in addition to USA) as a named plaintiff in the suit is essentially unheard-of and — as is typical of Buttigieg’s tenure at DOT — is a naked publicity stunt. You know, the Biden Administration fighting for YOU!

    In answer to AlwaysSkeptical: Frontier and JetBlue negotiated settlements of the DOT enforcement actions against them, whereas SWA did not — hence the suit against SWA.

  6. “The airline rolled out is new planned summer flights this week with a big focus on smaller leisure destinations from the Northeast, including Traverse City itself.”

    Traverse City Michigan is in the Northeast?

  7. ISP-BOS isnt in competition with Amtrak, but the ferries. Someone living In Suffolk County isn’t looking foward to spending an hour by LIRR to get to Penn Station. Having said that, I dont see this flight having much yield. Maybe Cape Air with its smaller planes and cheaper staff, would have been better for this service. Having said that, ISP is giving discounts to B6 for the new route. With minimal gas burn, B6 isn’t going to take much of a loss if it doesn’t work out.

    1. Cape Air’s planes are too small to be viable (and probably don’t qualify for the discounts.)

      But as you point out, it’s a cheap experiment, and it wouldn’t take a lot of connections (especially Mint) to bring it to break-even.

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