We had mentioned the date before, but the venue is secured and we are ready to go. We are excited to announce the Fourth Annual Cranky Network Awards celebrating the best in airline network planning for the US and Canada will be held in Oakland, California on February 22, 2024 thanks to our presenting sponsor, Oakland International Airport!

We’re tapping into my love of scotch and holding the event at the Oakland Scottish Rite Center. (Note from Courtney: Do not tell Brett that the Scottish Rite has nothing to do with whisky.) This place is beautiful, right on the shores of Lake Merritt, and we will be in a very fancy room.

As always, this is an invitiation-only event for those in the airline network planning world, so we will be in touch closer to the event if you’re on the list. And if you haven’t been on the list in the past but really think you should be, well, you can always email us at cna@crankyflier.com. It’s a great time, we promise.
We know that many of you like watching the event online, but we’ve decided that we are not going to stream it this year. The event is really meant for those who attend, and without streaming we can focus on pacing it to cater to those who are in the room. That being said, don’t worry… we are having a videographer come who will put together a condensed version so you can watch that. We figure this will be a lot more fun than watching the entire show from home anyway.
If you don’t work in network planning, can’t stand the loss of the stream, but really want to attend, you can always become a sponsor by emailing us at cna-sponsor@crankyconcierge.com. Join the likes of Medjet, Oakland International Airport, Pittsburgh International Airport, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, Tampa International Airport and others at this year’s event.
We’re excited to get the band back together on February 22, 2024! See you then.
7 comments on “The Fourth Annual Cranky Network Awards Will Be In Oakland on February 22”
Congrats, Cranky. Sounds like it will be a great event for those in the industry.
Your choice not to stream the event is understandable, and your reasoning makes sense.
Personally, the length of the full recorded streams of the previous CNAs scared me away from watching them (didn’t want to spend the time to hunt for the best parts), so a video or two (maybe ask the videographer to make one shorter video of only a few minutes and one longer video, so that you can cover both short and long attention spans?) of the highlights will be perfect for me.
Is there an email address for volunteers ?
Kimberley – We aren’t looking for any volunteers at this point, but if we do, we will post here.
Suggested Event Participation Priority Boarding Algorithm:
Group 1 = Network Planners AND Scotch Drinkers
Group 2 = Network Planners
Group 3 = CF Participants AND Scotch Drinkers
Group 4 = CF Participants
Group 5 = Scotch Drinkers
Group 6 = General Boarding
I am in Group3!
May I suggest The Tim Dunn Industry Noteworthy RASM-&-CASM Award?
While Tim may be a DL “homer”, the quality of his work is excellent, plus he puts up with everything from “teasing” to “scorn” to “abuse”.
The reality is he challenges everybody to share both opinions and facts, which is all too rare these days!
I actually sense one day his analysis of non-DL airlines will lead to more balanced criticism and praise in a world of Demand > Supply and Cost Convergence
Looks like another GREAT event and a post with video will be as effective as a live-stream.
As for future venues, may I suggest Prod Bird at LAX too?
Laxlgbsna – The Proud Bird would be a fun place for it, but it’s not likely to come to LA anytime soon. Next year we’re back in Phoenix, and after that… who knows. But for now, we’ll focus on having a great time this year!
Clarifying my post
1. Priority Boarding = Humor
2. Tim Dunn Award = Dead Serious –> CF community helps make this blog THE BEST, starting with you at #1 but Tim at a clear #2 based on quality of work despite being a DL “fan”. Perhaps the segment with the best performance metrics across all the Data Sources (Cirium, DOT, SEC, etc)???
3. Proud Bird = Good local idea –> I know you know it well and it has Event Center now and decades of Aviation Pedigree too! Plus all your Network Planner invitees can fly to LAX in their own equipment!
OAK is thrilled to be the host airport of the event in Oakland at the stunning Scottish Rite Center, an extraordinary 1927 event center Italian Renaissance design on the shore of Lake Merritt. The brand new hip, on-trend Kissel Hotel in Oakland’s Uptown District is perfect place to experience Oakland’s fun and vibrant restaurant and club scene. We look forward to welcoming everyone!