How can 2020 get worse, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you how. COVID-19 has now claimed its latest victim… Cranky Dorkfest. The event won’t be happening this year on September 12 as originally planned.

This year’s Dorkfest should have been happening two weeks from today, but I can’t in good conscience encourage anyone to gather, even if it is outdoors and socially-distant. As I write this, Los Angeles County is still on the watch list, and gatherings are prohibited. Sure, it’s possible this could be lifted between now and then, but it’s unlikely. And I don’t want to keep people waiting any longer.
Though it’s tempting not to consider this an actual “gathering” since the whole point is to just get a burger and hang out in the park, that’s splitting hairs to me. I still do not want to be promoting anything that could inadvertently end up with people congregating too close to each other and spreading the virus.
So, everyone find your home airport on the 12th and raise a burger high in the air as the sparse traffic departs overhead. We’ll do this again in person next year.
22 comments on “Cranky Dorkfest is Officially Canceled for 2020”
Good call and F*&@ 2020
Very smart, responsible decision! We shall miss you this year but hope to see everyone next year alive and well.
This breaks my heart, but it’s the right decision. Looking forward to seeing you (and everyone else) next year.
We can all have our own socially distant dorkfest! at our own airports
Hey, Cranky, here’s an idea. You suggest people go to their own airports on Sept 12. How about we all take that one step further and take photos to share of planes overhead? Another thought, you do a Zoom session and people take part with their phones from their airport locations. Thanks for all you do, BTW. I always enjoy your reports. Fran Morley Chattanooga, TN
Fran – Appreciate the ideas. I’m not going to do a zoom, because I’ve had enough zooms to last a lifetime. But, I’m certainly more than happy to have people go out and take photos. Maybe I can put together a slideshow or something.
I can certainly understand being Zoomed out! But it would be cool to see a bunch of photos. Got it on my calendar.
Fran, that’s a great idea! Everyone go to their closest airport and take a picture or two of anything noteworthy or conversational. Let’s make this the biggest (virtual) Cranky Dorkfest ever.
Good call, no use adding to the problem. I’ve already had Covid (spoiler alert: its not fun), and I’d hate to see anyone get it, or unknowingly spread it!
Is that you, Michael Yo? We miss you from your time on Y-100, South Florida.
I propose on Sept. 12 we all share some weird/funny/stupid story from our traveling past. You know, from the Good Ole Days.
Not surprising. But what makes you think 2021 is going to be a significantly better scenario for plane spotting than 2020? Or that the virus is going to be sufficiently under control by next September? I wouldn’t put money on either proposition based on currently available information….
Douglas – I choose to be more optimistic than that. If I assumed that next September was just as bad as this one, I don’t think I’d be able to function.
Shocking, and yet utterly understandable…
So sorry to hear this, Cranky! I have planned several times to join y’all, however I never made it. Whenever you plan the next one, I will do everything I can to get to your event.
I’m seriously considering going to the former America West/US Airways office building in Tempe. But it’s too bad that Monti’s closed down a few years ago.
Good call Brett. Fingers crossed for Dorkfest 2021! I wish good health to CF community, you, your family and the rest of the CF team. Take care, be safe and hope to see you all next year.
Did not see the info on how many people can gather think it is 50 but did see that there is “NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF ATTENDEES FOR A PROTEST” thought that m was toooo funny.. we could call DORKFEST a Protest and be fine
What would we protest? How bad In-N-Out’s fries are?
Actually someone *should* protest how bad In-N-Out’s fries are…
You should try In ‘n Out fries with their burger spread and grilled onions. That’s no extra charge. Some people go one step further and add cheese, for which they charge. I do it without the cheese, being lactose intolerant, and it is amazing! They serve it with a fork, since there’s no way you eat those babies with your fingers without making a huge mess.
I’ll raise a piece of pie from the Spruce Goose Cafe at Jefferson Country Intl airport, cheers in advance
Sad that it had to work out this way, Brett, but you made the right call for sure. This was going to be a big deal for me … my first Dork Fest, my 75th birthday, and the loss of my In ‘n Out Burger virginity. But, oh well, there will be other times to watch airplanes, other burgers, and hopefully other birthdays. Thanks for all you do, and especially for making the right call.