It’s only 71 days until the 2024 Cranky Network Awards presented by Oakland International Airport, and we’ve been working hard on finalizing award categories. If you work for an airline we need your help with two of them.

1) The award for Best Airport Partner is returning again this year. This is about the person (not the broader airport) that has been one of the best to work with from an airline perspective. Last year we had an incredibly strong field from Asheville, Edmonton, San Diego, and Tulsa with Anthony Gilmer from Louisville ultimately taking the crown.
If you work for an airline, email us with your nominations for this year at
2) One of the favorite awards of the year is Most Clever Flight Number, and some nominations have already started rolling in. Let’s give a special shout-out to Sun Country for providing us with a long list of very impressively-creative flight numbers on new routes. But we know there are more of them out there. We aren’t looking for your 1492 to Columbus or 777 to Vegas. We need the really creative stuff. Last year, United 769 to Barcelona won for being the last three digits in the second row of the Magic Square of Sagrada Familia. Yes, we want THAT kind of creativity.
If you have a good flight number story, email us with the details at
As always, the CNAs are invite-only, but we may try to auction off an invite or two if we have the room. email us at if you’d like to be put on a list to hob-nob with all the network planning stars from the US and Canada.