If you live in the Metroplex, it’s time to get excited. Dorkfest is coming to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport on Sunday, February 24 from 1pm to 3pm. Please RSVP at this link if you can make it. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean this is going to be more organized than the regular Dorkfests, and no, it won’t cost anything. It just means we need an accurate count so we can pick the right spot on the airport.
American has its annual leadership conference in February, and I try to go every year. But this year, media is only invited to come on Monday, February 25. At first, that bugged me since it meant I had to lose my Sunday to fly out. (It’s starts insanely early on Monday.) But then I realized this could turn into an opportunity.
I’d spoken with DFW more than once about putting on Dorkfest, my annual September event at LAX where we eat In-N-Out and watch airplanes. It would be pretty easy to do if I just came in one day earlier on this trip, so it’s on. As an added bonus, we’ll still get to see those beautiful silver MD-80s before American retires them forever. Don’t you want to see this?

So, here’s the plan:
What: Dorkfest. Have you not been paying attention?
When: Sunday, February 24 from 1pm to 3pm
Where: DFW broadly, we’re working on the location
Why: If you need a reason, you don’t belong at this event
Since there is no In-N-Out with a view, we’ll have to settle for some other place on property. DFW is going to arrange the location, but it’ll depend upon how many people are planning on showing up. So, PLEASE RSVP.
The guest list is hidden, so nobody will see your name. There is no cost, and you won’t be flogged if you don’t end up coming. We just need an accurate count so we can pick the right spot.
Hope to see you all there. Sorry, hope to see y’all there.
19 comments on “Dorkfest Heads to DFW on February 24 – Please RSVP”
You should try to get a tour of the fire-fighting training center.
That would be neat. They built their own A380 mockup and have several retired birds (MD-80, 2x 727) over there, but you aren’t even allowed to drive the road that leads to the facility.
DFW has a terrific official plane-watching location right at the end of runway 18-R. It’s called DFW Founder’s Plaza, and is very easy to get to. Even findable on Google Maps and through GPS. Lots of parking. Piped in tower audio (if it’s working). Bring your own food… no drive-thrus nearby. Admittedly, it’s best if planes are landing to the south. They’re so close, you can practically wave to people inside. I once saw an A-380 abort a landing and head straight back up in the air, practically over my head. It’s also close to freight warehouses and maintenance facilities, so you’re almost guaranteed to see a 747 freighter taxi by. This place is the one and only thing I miss about Dallas.
Great Stuff.
Will there still be a Septenber(ish) Dorkfest as well?
Would like to make it this year, but next month’s a stretch.
Oh yes, of course. We’ll have the September one in LA as always. I don’t have that date yet, but it’ll happen.
I think Cranky usually schedules it during the UCLA football team’s bye week, but I could have that wrong.
Mikek – Not the bye week, but just a week when they’re out of town.
Yay! Yay! Yay! Can’t wait to join you.
I would love to attend a Dorkfest. But that day I’ll be flying home from India. On United or Lufthansa, and to PDX, so nowhere near DFW. So no chance this time.
Have a great time.
Somewhat optimistic of you to schedule an outdoor event in late February. Remember the Dallas Superbowl? Dallas does get nasty winter weather. Not trying to be negative, but I hope you can arrange with the airport to have a backup plan.
Does the fact that you aren’t instantly choosing the only acceptable public spotting location at DFW mean the airport might let this happen at a cool non-public locale?
Zulu – This is up to DFW. That’s why we’re seeing how many people want to come, and then they’ll figure out the best place to hold it. If the weather sucks, so be it. It’ll be fine as long as the ceilings aren’t low. If we can’t see airplanes, well, then it’s just not going to be great at all.
“As an added bonus, we’ll still get to see those beautiful silver MD-80s before American retires them forever.”
A few weeks later
“Delta has picked up some MD-80s for really cheap”
Sounds about right.
On a slow news day a few months after that I’d expect to see some BS and overly alarmist media reports questioning the safety of “old” planes like the Mad Dogs, without offering any real evidence to substantiate the FUD that the media likes to spread.
Funny how you rarely hear many media reports questioning the safety of all those DC-3s that continue to fly over our heads.
You ever thought of doing a Dorkfest in Europe when you next make it over the pond ?
David – It’s probably not something I’d do unless I had time to kill. But I’ll always keep it in mind.
I assume the same applies for a DorkFest on the East Coast.
Unfortunately, it’s tough for me to justify a $350-500 flight to LAX or DFW just for DorkFest, but If you ever do an event on the East Coast, your beers are on me.
You need to work on your ability to justify things to yourself. I’ve reached the point where I can justify almost anything to myself.
Now if you’re married, I can’t help you there.
Hahaha. I’ll make it to a Cranky event one of these days.
If I could have a dinner at a good steakhouse with a very small group of people that included Cranky and Kennedy Steve, I’d foot the entire dinner/drinks tab for that in a heartbeat, not to mention travel costs for myself. (Hey, a man can dream…).
in the meantime, I work hard so that my cat can live a better life, and so that I can afford to heat the home to a temperature that minimizes the scolding I get when I come home from work.