I’m Now on Twitter (crankyflier)


Damn you, Twitter. I always hated you because I didn’t see the point. I signed up long ago when my friends encouraged me to check it out. There were too many tweets about washing hair, going to the bathroom, or other completely uninteresting and useless drivel. I walked away.

But now I’m back. I was asked by someone if I would post notifications for my blog posts on Twitter so others could follow me. I figured that would be easy enough. And now I’m hooked. So if you’d like to follow me, my username is crankyflier. I have a new widget at right that shows my recent tweets. Here’s what I’m planning to do with the account.

  • Notifications when a new blog post is ready on Cranky and BNET Travel (this will include other BNET Travel bloggers).
  • Airline news when it happens, generally followed by some brief snark
  • Responses to those who send me tweets

This may change as time goes by. If you have anything you’d like me to talk about, let me know. Oh, and if you don’t use Twitter, you can follow my Twitter RSS feed through any RSS reader. If you have no idea what Twitter is, I’d recommend running as fast as possible and not looking back. But if you’re really curious, try this Twitter explanation.

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7 comments on “I’m Now on Twitter (crankyflier)

  1. Sure thing, Flight Wisdom Guru. It’s a bit overwhelming to start following people, but I certainly wanted to look for sources I knew first.

  2. Cranky.. A request that I’d make.. I’d love your snark, but I DESPISE twitters letting people know that a new entry is posted… Could you split the “entry posting” tweets out into a different UID from the snarkiness?

  3. Nicholas – I’m sorry but I’m barely keeping my head above water with this thing so far. The last thing I want to do is start creating multiple accounts right now. I know some readers will filter things out if you’d like – all my cranky posts start with “Cranky Post:” and all the BNET posts start with “BNET Post:” so you can try to filter those out.

    Sorry about that. I’ll revisit later once I figure out what the heck I’m doing here.

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Cranky Flier